
  • Hong Sheung CHUI HONG KONG Author
  • Samuel W. H. CHUI HONG KONG Author


School-Based Management (SBM) Model, Empowerment-Leadership, Morale, Participation In Decision-making, Teachers’ Collaboration, Perceived Student-Achievement


Purpose The present study investigates the empowerment leadership of principals and its effects on teachers’ morale, teacher participation in decision-making, collaboration and student achievement under the context of School-Based Management (SBM) in Hong Kong. The integration of these five key elements of SBM are collectively termed as the SBM Model here-after. Methodology A questionnaire was developed and validated to measure the variables through a survey. A random sample of 528 teachers in Hong Kong responded to the survey. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling analysis showed that the questionnaire has validity and reliability. Findings The results show that empowerment leadership positively affects morale, teachers’ participation in decision-making, collaboration and perceived student achievement. Originality The above findings are the first of its kind in Hong Kong. The findings of this study suggest that under SBM, principal empowerment leadership significantly affects teachers’ morale, collaboration in teaching and student achievement. Practical Implications This study may support the claims of SBM’s advantages on teacher participation, collaboration and student achievement. Relevant parties and authorities should consider professional development for principals and senior teachers in empowerment leadership to realise the advantages of SBM according to the findings of this study.


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