
  • Amit Bhanushali Independent Researcher, Quality Assurance Manager, West Virginia University, WV, USA. Author
  • Satish Kumar Independent Researcher, Partner Engineering, Cupertino, CA, USA. Author
  • Kaushikkumar Patel Independent Researcher, Director Data Development, White Plains, NY, USA. Author


Regression Testing, Prioritized Test, Reinforcement Learning, Software. Machine, Learning, Test Case, Software Testing, Performance Testing


With regression testing, you can be confident that any modifications you made to the software's code didn't break any pre-existing modules. The size of the test suite grows as the product evolves to meet the needs of its end users. After software changes, it's important to run all of the tests again to ensure that nothing broke. It's expensive to re-execute test cases, especially when new cases are added to the mix. The cost of regression testing may be reduced by using strategies suggested by the scientific community to prioritize the test suite. Prioritizing a test suite should aim to optimize fault detection with few test cases. By eliminating less important tests, "test suite minimization" helps keep test suite sizes down. We offer a four-step approach to prioritizing test suites using reinforcement learning in this research. As a first step, the suggested interaction recording technologies for the android app are used to compile test log and user datasets. The first stage involves gathering data, and the second involves using the suggested reinforcement learning model to predict the greatest future reward sequence list. Finally, the suggested prioritizing method represents the ordered set of tests. In the end, the fault seeding method is utilized to verify the findings of software engineering professionals. Five different case studies are used to assess the effectiveness of the proposed reinforcement learning-based test suite optimization approach. The significance of the proposed mechanism for regression testing is shown by the results of the performance assessment, which indicate that it outperforms baseline techniques based on random and t-SANT methods


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