
  • Shiva Prasad Jupally Release Manager, AMTRAK Springboro Ohio United States Author
  • Sohith Yalamati Team Lead, Fifth Third Bank Miamisburg Ohio, United States Author
  • Anurag Jupally Unix Administrator, SMUD Miamisburg Ohio, United States Author


Release Management, Project Timelines, Cost Budgeting, Risk Assessment, Cloud Platforms, Change Management


In the realm of release management, navigating project timelines, cost budgeting, and risk assessment are critical to ensuring operational efficiency and project success. This white paper explores the pivotal role of a Release Manager in overseeing these key functions within a dynamic operational environment. Responsibilities include managing project timelines, scheduling, and cost analysis on cloud platforms, alongside evaluating risks associated with new technologies. Daily interactions with project stakeholders facilitate alignment of project goals with strategic objectives, while rigorous change request management ensures seamless transitions across environments. By delving into strategies, challenges, and best practices, this paper offers insights into optimizing release management processes for enhanced operational outcomes.


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