
  • Mallieswari R M S Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore, India. Author
  • Dhananjaya V M S Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore, India. Author
  • Yashaswini Murthy M S Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore, India. Author
  • Padmaja V M S Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore, India. Author


Mission, Vision, Policy And Regulation, Pandemic, Structural Equation Modelling, Organizational Performance


Organizations' vision and mission normally enhance the job's essence and significance while empowering, driving action, and uniting an enabling ecosystem to achieve their goals. For inclusive decision-making, organizations should evaluate both statements. In the initial pandemic wave, mobility restrictions made it hard for people to work and disrupted supply systems. Pandemic halted all manufacturing. This research estimates how mission and vision statements affect manufacturing organizations' performance, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, which changed business operations. Organizations were not planning for a pandemic scenario while competing to achieve their growth goals. We study how mission, vision, and organizational performance are linked using cross-sectional research and structural equation modeling. A major finding was that vision, mission, and policies affect manufacturing performance. Mission and vision statements help shape employee attitudes in every organization.



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