Organizational Culture, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Leadership Style, Workplace ProductivityAbstract
This literature review paper examines the relationship between organizational culture, emotional intelligence, and employee engagement. The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of organizational culture on emotional intelligence and employee engagement. The paper reviews relevant literature and discusses the conceptual framework for understanding the relationship between organizational culture, emotional intelligence, and employee engagement. The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the literature on organizational culture and its impact on emotional intelligence and employee engagement. The review finds that organizational culture has a significant impact on emotional intelligence and employee engagement. A positive organizational culture can enhance emotional intelligence and employee engagement, while a negative organizational culture can lead to lower levels of emotional intelligence and employee disengagement. The paper identifies several factors that influence the relationship between organizational culture, emotional intelligence, and employee engagement, including leadership style, communication, organizational structure, and job design. The paper also discusses the role of emotional intelligence in employee engagement and highlights the importance of emotional intelligence in promoting a positive organizational culture. Overall, the literature review suggests that organizational culture plays a crucial role in shaping emotional intelligence and employee engagement. Organizations that foster a positive culture that promotes emotional intelligence can enhance employee engagement, productivity, and well-being. On the other hand, organizations with a negative culture that does not prioritize emotional intelligence can lead to disengaged employees and low productivity. This paper concludes with recommendations for future research in this area.
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