
  • Mohan Kunkulagunta Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, B.E.S.T University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India Author


ERP, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain, Implementation Methodology


Many Web service applications are made possible by cloud computing, which rekindles the interest in offering enterprise resource planning (ERP) services through the Internet. It may cause a paradigm shift in the use of IT services. It has recently been found that ERP offered through SaaS would perform better than the conventional IT solutions. However, due to the immateriality, integration, and one-shot-principle associated with services, distribution of services is more challenging than distribution of products. Using the web services described in this paper, enterprise users can build a one-of-a-kind ERP system that fits their exact requirements on the CloudERP platform. Enterprises will be able to rent an ERP solution from a variety of providers with the help of CloudERP. Countless studies have shown that ERP systems help businesses increase their productivity and bottom line, and we have been using ours for years. Late in 2022, ERP evolved from an organization`s software that had previously only been used for inventory control in 2020. Marketing and product manufacturing planning for production and inventory orders were the focal points of the Material Resource Planning (MRP) systems that were introduced in the 2019s.By 2020, MRP II systems had taken capacity planning and quality into account, and MRP II+ had begun to deliver goods and services in response to consumer demand. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems shifted their initial emphasis from front-office processes like customer relationship management and supply chain management to back-office tasks that did not directly affect customers.


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