Internet Of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Vehicle Telematics, Sustainable Growth, Small, And Medium Firms (SMEs)Abstract
The Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and vehicle telematics are widely discussed subjects in the context of Industry 4.0. A plethora of publications have been released on these subjects; however, their primary emphasis lies on bigger corporations. Nevertheless, small, and medium firms (SMEs) arise widely recognized as fundamental pillar of many nations' economies. Consequently, it is becoming more crucial to ensure that smaller organizations have convenient access to these technologies and can effectively use them. This study provides a thorough examination and exploration of the prevalence of AI, IoT, and telematic technologies in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs). It also addresses the existing constraints and potential for facilitating analytical analysis. Initially, a comprehensive examination of the factors that facilitate artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and telematics is presented, along with the four distinct talents related to data analysis. In this document, a thorough examination of existing literature is done, and the resulting discoveries are presented. Lastly, this paper provides a summary of the latest areas of research and development, which aim to make AI, IoT, and telematic technologies more accessible to SMEs. It also discusses new distinct ways to mix the three technologies to achieve better results in SMEs.
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