
  • C. P. Pise Research Scholar and Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India. Author
  • S. A. Halkude Professor and Principal, Department of Civil Engineering, Walchand Institute of Technology, Maharashtra, India. Author


Alum, Moringa Oleifera, Coagulation, Flocculation, Settling Column, Turbidity Removal


The chemical coagulant is widely used for turbidity removal in water treatment but they have health problems associated with them and are additionally uneconomical for use in developing countries. The present work aimed to comparative study of turbidity removal efficiency in the settling columns with traditional coagulant Alum, natural coagulant Moringa Oleifera, and blended Coagulant Alum and Moringa Oleifera. The Moringa Oleifera is recently used as coagulant for water treatment in laboratory work. But even though the Moringa Oleifera possesses coagulation property it is not used in water treatment plant because of quantity of dose required for turbidity removal is more as compared to alum coagulant. In the present work study is carried out to reduce drawbacks of alum and Moringa Oleifera coagulant and develop a new coagulant by blending these two coagulants. Experiments is carried out in a specially designed two settling columns to investigate the settling characteristics of different initial turbidity samples such as 150 NTU (Low), 450 NTU (Medium), 1000 NTU (High). The optimum dosage of coagulants like Alum, Moringa Oleifera, and blended Coagulant Alum and Moringa Oleifera is found out. The optimum coagulant dosage showed that the coagulation with blended coagulant Alum & Moringa Oleifera is better than Alum. A conventional jar test apparatus is employed for the tests. In the blending process of coagulants we can reduce the Alum dose up to 62-75 %.



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